Office of International Affairs (OIA),
as SNU's headquarter for developing and promoting its international programs and initiatives,
welcomes all students and scholars to SNU's vibrant intellectual community.


[Stay-At-Home Advisory] Stay at Home during Halloween Weekend

페이지 정보

Date20-10-30 16:37 Hit2,232


Dear SNU students,


In response to prevent the spread of COVID 19, we highly recommend students to stay at home during Halloween weekend.


SNU advises that all students remain in their current residences, with the exception of taking care of essential needs, including any coursework, or to go to work, seek medical care, access meals, shop for necessities such as food, get medical supplies, exercise outdoors (with facial coverings).

In addition, we ask all students to adhere to general prevention, including wearing a facial covering, maintaining physical distancing, and avoiding all gatherings, not in compliance with the public health order.

As we have shared before, COVID-19 public health guidelines and policies are in place to protect the health and safety of the entire campus community. We hope that you will join us in demonstrating care for our community at this time by following public health guidance and adhering to the Stay-At-Home Advisory.


As always, refer to the COVID-19 notice for more information and other details about ways you can protect yourself and others.


Thank you.