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FAQs on Non-Face-to-Face Teaching (Faculty Notice) (학사 운영 관련 FAQ - 교원)

페이지 정보

Date20-03-12 19:49 Hit2,803


Q1. Is teaching online required for all faculty/courses?

A1. The basic policy is not to hold face-to-face classes until the situation calms down and it becomes safe for students to attend school. We recommend that all faculty members open classes online. You can use the video conferencing system such as ZOOM, provide lecture videos, and designate SNUON and K-MOOC courses.


Q2. What if students cannot join the live-stream class at the class time?

A2. It will lead to class absence. Instructors may provide the recorded video for students, however, at the instructor’s discretion. Any details must be provided by the instructor in advance.


Q3. If I am to use a recorded video for the class, how can I check attendance?

A3. You can check the student's attendance through eTL where the video is uploaded. In addition, you can check attendance at the discretion by conducting a simple quiz within eTL or receiving lecture-related papers to confirm class attendance.


Q4. I want to provide students with video contents using PPT slides. Do I still need to ask CTL to video-record it?

A4. No, you can easily create a PPT video in PowerPoint. In this case, the lecture description can be recorded together with each slide shown. You can contact CTL for more information.

- PowerPoint > Slideshow > “Slideshow Recording” > Export > Create a Video > Upload its converted file to eTL


Q5. Who is financially responsible for the video conferencing program?

A5. SNU will provide a separate license agreement for students and faculty to use ZOOM. There will be no cost taken to students and faculty to use ZOOM. You can use other softwares if you want, but the budget support is not available.


Q6. What happens if a student is quarantined or confirmed with COVID-19 during the semester, or if the whole class is suspended?

A6. It is possible to give students excused absences due to illness while they are forced to miss class. If face-to-face classes have already begun, alternative online lectures or assignments may be given to students who are unable to attend the class.


Q7. What happens if a student is confirmed with COVID-19 infection, while face-to-face classes have been resumed?

A7. It is likely that the student may not be able to join even online lectures during the course of treatment. If they are able to, online lectures may be suggested; otherwise, they may need to withdraw the course and take it later for example in the summer session.


Q8. Is it possible for a COVID-19-infected student to re-join the class if it has been confirmed that they have fully recovered?

A8. Online lecture alternatives are encouraged in consideration that it may cause uneasiness among other students, and the attendances can be acknowledge from the time when the student went under quarantine.


Q9. What should I do if I am quarantined or confirmed with COVID-19?

A9. During the quarantine period, you can provide online lectures or assignments, but in case you are confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, you will have to ask your department office to appoint a substitute instructor or consider cancelling the course. In this case, however, you should check if there are students who will be graduating, and you will be required to offer the course during the summer session.


Q10. How do I assess students if I am only appointing preexisting online resources until midterm?

A10. Even when you are to appoint other instructors’ online lectures (SNUON, K-MOOC) as your class materials, you should, in principle, evaluate the contents of those assigned lectures. However, the weight and degree may vary at the discretion of the instructor. In order to avoid confusion, students should be informed of its details through the course syllabus as much as possible.


Q11. Will there be additional support for students with disabilities who may have difficulties following online courses?

A11. Please consult with Ms. Heejin Lim (T 8787) at the Center for Student with Disabilities under Office of Student Affairs.


Q12. What happens with the course change and the course orverride request form (choanji) for students?

A12. Course change period has been extended for a sufficient time and will be conducted in the regular way, but for course override request, please make sure to deal with it (accept and approve) on a non-face-to-face basis.


Q13. How can I handle labs and practical courses?

A13. Until March 29, classes must be held on a non-face-to-face basis. Instruction on face-to-face classes will be provided later, based on the size, necessity, and student population.